Bride and groom embracing before wedding

Three Reasons to Do a First Look – Tips From Florida Wedding Planners

Over the years, it has become more common for couples to do a first-look. In fact, it can be argued that a first-look is the norm now rather than the exception. If you’re not familiar with this term, a first look is when the couple sees each other prior to the ceremony.

Couples are wanting some time alone before the wedding officially begins. This quiet time provides them an opportunity together to savor the moment before their guests enter the room or they walk down the aisle. While a first-look is not for everybody, our Florida wedding planners are giving their top three reasons for loving them.

It’s More Personal

There are a lot of people who disagree with the whole idea of a first look for your wedding. They say that it’s too staged or impersonal, that it takes away the spontaneity of seeing each other for the first time as you walk down the aisle. Of course, we see it as the opposite. We think that by doing a more intimate first look with just you and your fiancé, you’re able to be completely present in that moment because it’s just the two of you.

You Get to Have Time to Yourselves

Weddings are a lot of fun, and can get chaotic — in a good way. Having a first look lets you have a private moment as a couple, before your ceremony starts and the craziness takes over. It’s just you and your partner for a few moments while no one else is around — it’s peaceful, exciting, and romantic.

It Can Be Productive

If you have a lot of formal photos to take with your wedding party and family (as most people do) then this would be the perfect time to get those done. Typically, all of the formal photos are done after the ceremony. If you are able to schedule these photos to be taken after you do your first look, it will save you time after the ceremony and allow you and your new spouse more time to enjoy the party.

A bride and groom doing their first look at their Key West wedding
A bride and groom doing their first look at their Key West wedding

Check out more tips and inspiration from our Florida wedding planners for your wedding here.

  1. […] ceremony. We are pretty big fans of the first look, and you can read more about why we love it here. However, not everybody feels the same […]


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